I’m an Amateur.

I’m an amateur. It doesn’t take much to notice that. I often find myself groping for what exactly I’m meant to be doing with my life. I wholeheartedly believe we all have an ideal path, a path accessible through searching and letting go, a path that evolves and challenges us. However, distractions and confusion are … Continue reading

Class acts – Colombia [Monocle]

Class acts – Colombia [Monocle]: In the poor south side of Bogotá, many children don’t have access to a good education. Monocle meets two people trying to improve things. One is an architect who designs school buildings that pupils and their communities can be proud of. The other is a rubbish-truck driver, who has collected thousands … Continue reading

Danny MacAskill

danny macaskill

Danny MacAskill is one example of someone who’s making a living doing what he loves.